About Us

Elizabeth Montes

Writer, Editor and Founder

Angels Fortune Publishing Group

Born in Barcelona and passionate about the world of literature and cinema since she was young, although she did not begin her professional career as a writer until the age of thirty-eight.

She trained at the Ateneu Barcelonés School of Writing, where she laid the foundation for her first two novels.

Her first experience as a writer with a co-edition publishing house was decisive, as well as a great disappointment. This experience led to the decision to start her own professional publishing house, with principles, where the great work of the writer was valued.

Determined to make a difference in the publishing world, in April 2015 she opened the doors of Angels Fortune [Editions], where she works with the hope of discovering new literary talents under the company's motto:

“Every great writer started with a first book”

Since then, her Editorial Group and its Adaptation and Representation Agency have become a benchmark for quality and the launch of new authors from numerous countries around the world, and audiovisual projects.


“Isabel is a persevering editor, excited to see her authors grow, enthusiastic about her projects and the little family she has created.

Her publishing house exudes confidence and offers an environment of people with whom to share the passion for the written word. For me it is a platform and, above all, a support »

Meri Camats

Writer and Emotional Coach


Ada de Goln

Escritora y guionista

A screenwriter and writer of horror and fantasy, she is known in the literary world as Ada de Goln. With a gothic and particular stamp on her work, she has published five books with Angels Fortune Publishing, all of them adapted to film scripts and is actively looking for a production company to make them a reality.

Her first foray into cinema was with The other side, a short film based on one of her stories and which won four awards, including the Phonetastic at the Sitges Festival 2013. After this, she established herself as a screenwriter by filming her first short film scripted by herself in 2017 with The last story, based on her story “Adelle Johnes, the woman who told stories by candlelight”. She has also been selected with various stories in different genre magazines, such as CIRCULO DE LOVECRAFT, VAULDERIE or TARTARUS.

Master in Audiovisual Screenwriting with The Core, from Grupo Planeta, she is focused on a series project of which she is co-creator with her team, in addition to developing other cinematographic works.


«Gracias por llevarme de la mano con tanto entusiasmo y tesón en este camino. Eres el hada madrina que todo escritor quisiera tener a su lado: un soplo de aire fresco en nuestra Literatura»

Ada De Goln

Luisje Moyano

Screenwriter and film director


Luisje studied Directing and Dramaturgy at the Higher School of Dramatic Art in Malaga.

He studied film and television production at ESCIVI (Guipúzcoa School of Film and Television).

Some of his projects:

Director of the documentary “The Last Sigh of Jesús Franco”. Malaga 2020. (Selected for Sitges 2020)

Director of the feature film “Mandylion”. Jaén 2020. (In pre-production phase)

Director and screenwriter of the short film “Love Aove”. Jaén 2019. (Winner of the Decortoan Award 2020)

Director and screenwriter of the short film “Regretful”. Madrid. 2017. (Premiere at the Artistic Metropol cinemas in Madrid)

Director of the short film “Reset”. Jaen. 2016. (Second best short film, best direction and best photography in Rodando por Jaén. Winner Lince de Oro for best short film)

Director and screenwriter of the feature film “La Ama”. Jaén 2014. (Winner for best photography and best soundtrack at the Costa Del Sol International Festival)

«When the pain resided in the depths of my soul, art came and saved me»

Luisje Moyano

Blanca De La Rosa

Manager, Business Coach, and Author


Blanca De La Rosa was born in the Dominican Republic. She grew up in the Projects in West Side of Manhattan in New York, before the Hispanic population developed into the supportive Latino community that exists today.

Although she struggled without support in her cultural and linguistic transition, De La Rosa graduated from Pace University with a Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration and established a successful 34-year career rising through the ranks at Mobil Oil Corporation.

During her career, she held numerous positions, both national and international. These assignments took her throughout the United States, Europe, Central and South America, and Nigeria.

She currently conducts business seminars for college students and corporate employees helping them navigate the corporate maze.

She is the author of the novel “Pursuing a Better Tomorrow” also available in Spanish “En busca de un mañana mejor” and “A Holistic Approach to Your Career”.

“I’ve often wondered what my life would have been like if we had not emigrated to the United States. When I visit the beautiful yet impoverished island of the Dominican Republic and see the need and want in the eyes of some people, I think, “That could have been me.” So, I feel incredibly blessed and grateful for everything that I have been able to obtain and accomplish.”

Blanca De La Rosa 

José Máría Pumarino

Screenwriter, film director and writer

MovieBooks LATAM

Author of the Neurolinguistic Programming book “Now or Never”, which has been selling for almost 30 years (SÉLECTOR).

Author of the book on humorous drawing techniques "Si de Monos se trata", with more than 20 years in bookstores (TRILLAS).

Author of the novels “Por Una Mujer”, “El Error de Dios”, “Guardian Angels S.A.” (These last two novels have been published by the Editorial Group Angels Fortune (Spain) and the book of stories "Between Muses and Demons", soon to be published.

Screenwriter, Director and Producer of the feature film "Angels Inc.", which can be seen throughout Latin America through Amazon Prime, in the US and Puerto Rico through Apple TV and Spain through FlixOlé.

Scriptwriter and Protagonist of the Documentary Series Diario De Una Película.

Creator and General Director of the Citizen Participation Platform “Citizen Power”, which in 2010, according to a report by Tec. De Monterrey, became one of the 10 most reliable alternative media nationwide.

General Director of the agency Bushido Meeting Planner International.

Creator, director and founding partner of the personalized book platform for children: leyendoaprendi.com


“Hopefully one day what I write will live up to what I feel”

José María Pumarino

Cinema and Series Platform

The adaptation of your novel will be among the best films of

our cinema thanks to our partner FlixOlé